Some reasons for termination are:
- Negligent, careless or inefficient performance of duty.
- Intentional falsification of payroll records or other records required in the transaction of Superior Staffing’s business.
- Absence without proper notification to your Superior Staffing counselor, excessive absenteeism or insufficient reasons for absenteeism or tardiness.
- Reporting to work or being on the job under the influence of alcohol, illegal drugs or other medications that could impair judgement.
- Making malicious, false or derogatory statements that may damage the integrity or reputation of Superior Staffing, its employees or clients.
- Intimidation or harassment of other employees or management.
- Walking off the job without notice.
- Misrepresentation or withholding pertinent facts in securing employment or during employment.
- Personal use of the client company’s property, supplies or equipment without proper approval.