Always call your counselor:
- If you are going to be late, need to report off work or cannot complete an assignment: speak directly to your counselor; DO NOT LEAVE A MESSAGE IN VOICE MAIL. Call between 7:45am - 8:00am. You must call your counselor by 2:00pm, the same day, regarding your return to work the following day (DO NOT CALL THE CUSTOMER).
- If you should be injured on the job.
- If you feel you must leave a job unexpectedly.
- If the job requirements are different from what you were told.
- Before accepting an interview during working hours.
- When you have been informed that your assignment is almost complete.
- If you are offered employment within the company. Call us immediately and let us manage the details with them.
- When you know your phone extension or department phone number on an assignment (preferably the first day of the assignment).
- When your availability changes.
- When you acquire any new skills or interests.
- If you know someone who would benefit from employment through us.
- Call our Accounting Department at 330-253-3415 regarding any paycheck or time sheet issue.